Home > Science > Energy > | Institutes | | | - American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy [IA][Direct] -
A non-profit devoted to research, publications and conferences on energy efficiency in buildings, utilities, applicances, office equipment, industry and transportation.
- Athens University Energy Policy Group [IA][Direct] -
Studies concerning electric energy demand and load forecasting, conservation and electric systems, networks and grids policy issues.
- California Energy Commission [IA][Direct]
- Center For Energy and the Global Environment [IA][Direct]
- Center for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy TechnologiesEnergy Technologies (CADDET) [IA][Direct] -
Responsible for collecting and disseminating information on demonstrated, energy-efficient and renewable energy technologies.
- Chemical Process Engineering Institute (CPERI) [IA][Direct] -
Based in Thessaloniki, Greece; works in the field of environmental fuels.
- CREST - Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology@ (1997)
- Department of Energy@ (1996)
- Electric Power Research Institute@ (1997)
- Energy Systems Division [IA][Direct] -
Of the Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois.
- Energy Training Program [IA][Direct] -
Policy, planning and management in energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean technology.
- Florida Solar Energy Center [IA][Direct] -
Energy research institution of the State of Florida.
- Grand Junction Projects Office [IA][Direct] -
Provides scientific, technical, and project management skills to support national environmental restoration and energy programs.
- IAE International Centre for Gas Technology Information [IA][Direct]
- Idaho National Engineering Lab [IA][Direct]
- Illinois Clean Coal Institute [IA][Direct] -
ICCI funds coal research and development projects.
- Industrial Electrotechnology Laboratory [IA][Direct]
- INRS-Énergie et Matériaux [IA][Direct] -
De l'implantation ionique à l'électrochimie en passant par les procédés par plasma et la science des interfaces.
- International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP) [IA][Direct] -
Haven for cutting-edge research on energy and development policies that reduce carbon emissions while saving money, boosting jobs, and improving economic output.
- Laboratorio de Energia Solar [IA][Direct] -
Devoted to the study of methods and techniques for optimal utilization of solar and other types of energy.
- LBL Energy & Environment Division@ (1997)
- Lulea University - Division of Energy Engineering [IA][Direct]
- McMaster Institute for Energy Studies (MIES) [IA][Direct] -
With information on their journal "Energy Studies Review" and the Canadian Commercial Energy End-Use Database and Analysis Centre.
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)@ (1996)
- National Research Center for Coal and Energy [IA][Direct]
- Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN) [IA][Direct] -
ECN works on renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, energy from fossil fuels, policy studies, radiation technology, energy-engineering and the rational use of energy and materials.
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program [IA][Direct]
- Risoe National Laboratory [IA][Direct] -
Research energy technology, energy planning, environmental aspects of energy, industrial and plant production, materials and measuring techniques for industry.
- Rutgers University - Cogeneration Facility [IA][Direct]
- Sarkey's Energy Center [IA][Direct] -
Fosters interdisciplinary energy related research, education and enhance regional economic growth and national energy and economic security.
- South Bank University - Centre for Energy Studies [IA][Direct]
- Stanford University - Energy Modeling Forum [IA][Direct]
- Technical University of Denmark [IA][Direct]
- Tellus Institute for Resource and Environmental Strategies [IA][Direct] -
Non-profit research and consulting organization that works on energy and environmental issues. Tellus web pages contain information on the research programs, publications and computer tools developed at the Institute.
- UIC - Energy Resources Center [IA][Direct]
- UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment [IA][Direct]
- University College Dublin - Energy Research Group [IA][Direct]
- University of California Energy Institute [IA][Direct]
- University of Sheffield - Energy Studies Masters (MA/MSc) [IA][Direct] -
Programme offers students a wide variety of subjects taught by seven different departments within the University.
- U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories and Programs [IA][Direct]